Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is 2 mins MC2?

2 mins mc2 means party A and B starts an mc, and the losing team leader leaves after 2 mins. To be safe and prevent the server from registering the win as D, leave at 7.50. currently, you need a minimum of 50CP to win C rank!!! U still have to wait 2 minutes though.

Why do 2 mins MC2(Monster Carnival 2)?

More exp per minute. Read the proof.

Less chances of being scammed.
If you dun like the flashy sin or whoever, you can just find a different party after 2 mins and not 5 mins.

Less keyboard mashing compared to 5 mins MC2

Proof that this works.

1st proof .Every 2 mins mc2 done=33k exp. So means 6 mins we have 99k exp. However, for the 5 mins A rank mc2 done, we receive 87.5k exp. Simple logic my dear:)
obviously by swapping u get 4 mins =33k and 10 mins=87.5k. However this works out to the 10 mins winning as the ratios are 1min:8.25 and 1min:8.75.
u might be wondering won't i be losing 0.5k exp? 0.5k exp is 500 exp. and it is NOT worth smashing your keyboard to bits getting 500 cp.

2nd proof. For 2mins mc to be done, you would only need to get around 50cp(carnival points)i'm sure abt the minimum cause iAidou, evanlaw and zXxMage98xXz tested this with me. However, to receive the full 87.5k exp, you’ll nid 500 cp. Anyone who has done MC would know that getting 500 cp requires you to totally trash your keyboard out as well as needing the summoning of monsters by the opposing team . It really irked me when I had to summon monsters for the opposing team during mc2, as the monsters only give 1exp each.

The problem with mc2 is that the monsters only give 1 exp. I cannot reemphasis this point any harder. Thus the only logical reason to attack it is for the coin. Thus for slackers like me ,killing the minimum will make us happier 

This is summarized as:

Rank A:87.5k exp for minimum stay time of 5 mins.500cp(hard to achieve. There are still unfunded people out there. People like me XD.)

Rank B:70k exp for minimum stay time of 5 mins.300 cp

Rank C:33k for minimum stay time of 2 mins. cp>1.

The main point about 2min mc2 is not about the exp/second. Even though logically speaking you get a little bit less exp. Its more about the fact that its less taxing on the player and your dear dear keyboard. Think about your keyboard please :P Think about having healthy tendons without carpal tunnel syndrome! Therefore 2 mins MC2 ftw! Think about the 2 mins rests you’ll be taking for your eyes.

So opt for 2mins mc to save wear and tear on your keyboard!!!! Also, the breaks when u can just afk with a score of 0 while waiting for the timer and ur opponents, u can watch Simpsons, or do something like I did, like write this guide. There is still a lot more plus points and obviously negative ones which I have neglected to add in. After all I wrote this while waiting for the dang mc clock :P.
Anyway just some pointers.

MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CP IS MORE THEN 50 IE. Everyone in your party must gain at least one CP if you are winning, or u will gain a D rank. Obviously the total needs to be above 50 And that’s not what you want.

Try to see that there are no coins when u leave. It sucks for the player when the game sucks back a coin when the mc ends.

Try to implement a coin sharing system. One for you, one for me, everybody will be happy. No more ignoring the mob for coins. Though in 2 min mc, hitting the mob is less important.

Explain with the simple analogy to people who dun get 2 min mc2.

Credits to people who have helped me


thanks to my guild Mythical
Contact me on erridanus by pming pHarting esp if I have left ur name out of the list.

A windbreaker always pharts.

My English o lvl a2. So sue me.


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